1. Established Scale
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Module 2 Week 05 - Game Asset Creation 101 Part 1
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Common Art Week 04 - Use of Basic Lighting
Monday, September 21, 2020
3D Week 04 - Lego Project Part 2
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Week 03 - Use of Value and Contrast
For this week's assignment, we rendered this model in various forms such as Beauty, Z, NORM, ID, AO, and ToonLine. We brought the renders into photoshop and played with various settings to experiment with different forms of value and contrast.
Here is the Beauty render in Maya.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Week 03 Lego Project Part 01
For this week's project, we created proxies of lego pieces from one of the six reference boards of Lego sets. I chose the tower/ship Lego set.
In order to cut out shapes from the Lego, I used the Boolean method. I created shapes of the cut out, extended them in size, and clicked Mesh --> Booleans --> Difference.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Week 02- Use of Silhouettes
Monday, September 7, 2020
3D Week 02 - Minecraft-ish Level
This week we created minecraft cubes using Maya and UE4. I created a cube with 4 segments for the bevel that would allow me to break up the cube into segments in the UV editor.
I built textures in Photoshop and painted in pixels. Each image is 48 x 48 pixels.
The material in UE4

Thursday, September 3, 2020
Week 01- Use of Basic Shapes
For the first Common Art assignment, I used Maya to form complex looking structures from basic shapes. After modeling a structure in Maya, I screenshot my model from Maya and painted on it in Photoshop. Sparth's work was our inspiration from this assignment. I chose Sparth's "Their Tree" and "Exploitation" as my reference for my illustration.
I modeled the rock structures and a small spaceship. I added a light in the back (to represent the sun/planet) and added a dim light in the front to represent reflective light bouncing off of scenery (in the imaginary world). If I did not add the dim light in the front, the shading would've been pitch black.
Research Project
Research Project: Anatomy Studies For the past few weeks, I wanted to find the best methods for practicing sketching and sculpting anatomy. ...

This week I focused on completing the high-res and topologizing the character and her accessories. This took a lot of effort as sculpting f...
For this sprint, I've been mainly focusing on finalizing character mesh textures since we are in the final stages of the project. We we...
This week I focused on getting a good grasp of the human arm anatomy. I did a quick sketch and labeling practice and then a Zbrush sculpt s...